This article was originally published on VisualChase
Letting Inner Demons Out
There are many helpful videos and written material on how to battle your inner demons and overcome them. But this guy isn't shying away from letting them out. With a dash of impressive art thrown in, this tattoo turned out spectacularly.
By the way, what is the meaning behind such a scary tattoo? It is no doubt an emotional story, and one this person isn't afraid of dealing with.
Hiding A Scar Like A Boss
This neat little tattoo looks like a welder leaving a bead behind when welding and we absolutely love it.
The fact that the tattoo artist incorporated the light for the arc welder makes this tattoo stand out from the rest.
This is one perfect example of how to use your scars to bring out some humor. We're pretty sure it hurt a lot to get this scar and also the tattoo.
But we have massive respect for the tattoo artist because he turned it into a work of comic book art.
Life Is An Uphill Fight
Kudos to the tattoo artist as he or she impressively created a tattoo that made us forget that we are actually looking at a scar.
It seems like the tattoo artist is a big fan of the cinematic classic, Forrest Gump, a 1994 movie in which Forrest (played by Tom Hanks) runs for days after Jenny tells him, "Run Forrest, run."
Nailed It
So the tattoo artist created fake nails on this guy's fingers to make them look normal. So, you can say that the tattoo artist NAILED IT big time.
It is such an impressive work that it takes time to realize what the artist did. We are happy for this guy as he no longer has to deal with annoying questions about what happened to his fingers.
Making A Caesarian Scar Even More Beautiful Than It Already Was
This is an extraordinary example of how a tattoo artist turned a tummy tuck scar into a beautiful lace ribbon. We can hope that this tattoo gave the woman more confidence going forward in her life.
This tattoo shows that we need to accept our bodies regardless of scars, and even if it is ugly to you now, you may one day end up being very grateful for your scars.
A Welcome Change
You have the power to change your life and tell the story the way you want to tell it. You can make something really beautiful out of anything that is a part of your dark past.
This person had scars due to self-harm. Now, look how how he turned them into something so beautiful.
A Little Smile Goes A Long Way
Joba Chamberlain played as a pitcher in Major League Baseball for the New York Yankees, Detroit Tigers, Kansas City Royals, and Cleveland Indians.
When he got a scar due to surgery, he had a sense of humor about it. So, he turned it into a smiley face.
From Scar To Art
This tattoo is really powerful and magnificent. This woman had breast surgery and decided to get an unbelievably amazing tattoo to compliment it.
Even if you don't like tattoos, this one will surely change your mind. After medical artistry saved her life, creative artistry gave her back lost confidence.
Zip My Ankle Up
Some people find it difficult to accept a scar and try to hide it with a tattoo, but not this person.
This person has a fantastic sense of humor about their scar. This scar needed a zipper to make it look cool after ankle surgery.
An Open Heart Surgery Tattoo
This is one awesome tattoo. Hopefully, doctors didn't use a chainsaw during the open heart surgery at any point.
This man knew how to increase the intensity of his chest scar an,d as if using a chainsaw wasn't enough, he even tattooed the year when he got the scar.
Cool Stitches
The scar bearer did an awesome job of making a small scar look like an impressive work of art.
Taking care of the cut requires sewing it up, so maybe this person is trying to indicate that there is still some work to be done. Maybe the physical scar healed, but the emotional scar needs time.
Now That's A Job Well Done
The tattoo artist transformed this man's whole back and turned it into a stunning work of art. We love how the scar adds some (well placed) color to the black and white tattoo.
We have huge respect for the tattoo artist for using an existing pigmentation difference to create something super cool.
Ferocious Inside
This ferocious-looking tattoo perfectly complemented the even fiercer attitude of the woman.
The fact that she had the strength to get such a tattoo is inspiring for all of us. And the best thing is that the scar is completely covered up with the tattoo.
Joint Welding Job
Have you ever thought that scars are just tattoos you don't pay for? This person didn't want the scar, but he knew that he needed the surgery.
He then paid money to get a tattoo that is totally worth it. We love the work the tattoo artist put into the shading.
Instructions For His Next Doctor
We have seen how tattoo artists cleverly try to hide scars, but not this one. This tattoo shows how you can make the scar look cool by simply accepting it.
We love the sense of humor this guy has about his injury. He embraced the scar and even gave instructions for his future doctor.
Not Afraid Of What Gave Him This Scar
We love how this person had the courage to turn a harrowing experience, a shark bite, into a magnificent work of art. People with horrible experiences try not to remember them, but not this guy. He paid homage to the reason for the scar with a little creativity.
Imagine this person enters a bar, someone asks him about the tattoo, and he starts telling a story of how he got it.
A Beautiful Scar Celebrating Life
This woman wasn't comfortable with her unsightly stretch marks and decided to turn them into a beautiful display of butterflies. If it helps improve her self-esteem, and we are happy for her.
What we love about the tattoo is that it is done so incredibly well that you cannot even notice that there is a scar at all.
This Birthmark Is On Fire
It seems like this birthmark and the tattoo is a match made in heaven. This person turned a skin condition into an impressive work of art and it looks super-hot.
It just goes to show that you can make many bad situations better by simply injecting a little humor. Plus now it’s certainly a conversation starter.
All Sewn Up
Here is a great way to tattoo a scar; this person made it seem like the scar was all sewn up with a needle sticking in the skin.
We love the attention to detail of this tattoo. Sometimes, a scar gives you so much creative freedom.
When A Jellyfish Complements The Scar
This is so pretty on its own! And the tattoo does a brilliant job of covering up the injury. No one could tell there was once a scar there.
We're guessing there's a sad story behind that particular scar. It makes us happy that it's now something beautiful and free.
I Choose You!
Who is your favorite Pokémon? A lot of people will say that it is Charmander. After all, who needs Pikachu when there is a Pokémon who can breathe fire, right?
Well, we have mad respect for the tattoo artist for covering up this scar so perfectly. This tattoo is vibrant and phenomenal.
Not A Helping Hand
Although this tattoo is named "Face your demons," we feel like it would be best to grab the hand of the demon inside and dance. After all, facing your demon with a smile and some dance moves is much better than serious facial expressions.
By the way, the tattoo perfectly depicts how this person had some previous bad experiences and they embraced how they formed them, rather than trying to pretend like they never happened.
Flower Power
Now that is one cool way to disguise scars. Or is it an extraordinary attempt to enhance them? It is hard to tell, but one thing we know for sure is that it is a gorgeous tattoo.
You know what they say, flowers can make everything look better, including scars.
Inspired By Galapagos
This person turned a scar into a sea turtle with a flower, and transformed their body into a remarkable work of art.
It goes on to show how tattoos can turn bad memories into good ones. If you're self-conscious about scars, you might consider getting a tattoo.
Fishing for The Stars
Here is how you make the most of whatever is available. With just a few bits of ink, you can make a scar look unique and beautiful.
This looks a lot like the DreamWorks logo, right? This tattoo artist has a way of seeing things differently.
The Tattoo Artist Noticed Something About The Birthmark's Shape
That's like hitting two birds with one stone. We're pretty sure no one realized before that this person's scar looks a lot like a carrot. But the creative tattoo artist was spot on as it is incredibly impressive. We just hope he doesn’t come across any rabbits in the future.
You might not have noticed the scar but now, for the rest of his life, people will ask him why he got a carrot tattoo!
Hey, Can You Zip Me Up?
Hey lady, the zipper of your human suit is showing. Imagine if we all had a zipper for our human skin.
This lady turned a surgery scar into a zipper, and we love how she approached it with a little humor. Now, all she needs is someone to help her zip up.
Supernova Tattoo
Here's a tattoo that has made the mole appear way less intimidating. We hope this person has had the mole checked out just to be on the safe side. It is best to get your dermatologist’s advice before inking any blemishes on your skin.
No one thought the mole looked like a supernova, but hats off to the tattoo artist for converting it into a nice piece of artwork.
We have to say that it is one of the most beautiful and inspiring tattoos out there.
It shows that sometimes your scar can make you feel bad, but you can make it look beautiful and take back your power.
Why Is Living With A Cat The Only Acceptable Abusive Relationship?
Well, the cat is out of the bag. This person was tired of telling people how they got wrist scar. After all, people might find it hard to believe that a cat did it.
But many cat parents can agree that even cute kittens can scratch you real bad. In fact, living with a cat is the only abusive relationship that is acceptable.
When The Scar Tells A Story
This person covered up a scar in an artistic way and we absolutely love it. According to the person, their scar is over 30 years old.
By the way, the blue coloration of the tattoo matches perfectly with the person's pale skin
Dive In
This clearly proves the saying: "less is more". We have to say that the tattoo artist is a real genius.
After all, he or she took advantage of a longer scar and made it represent a cliff. You can say that it also looks like the shadow of the diver. That is pretty cool stuff!
How Did You Get That Scar? Well, Never Mind
Here is one wicked cool tattoo. Now that this person has a tattoo, he doesn't have to explain to anyone how he got the scar.
It seems like it was the Ryobi saw that was responsible for the thick scar above the kneecap.
Pretty As A Picture
It is such an inspiring, full-of-life tattoo, and it's amazing how the tattoo artist turned this scar into such a beautiful piece of art.
We love this feminine tattoo as it elevated her beauty and made her more confident. Plus, it looks more like a painting than a tattoo.
This person used to stare at their birthmark in disgust. The tattoo artist had the great idea of turning it into something else that people love to stare at - a starry night. Now when she stares she feels happy and content instead of embarrassed.
Anyone can get a tattoo to feel proud of the skin area that used to make them feel insecure and even embarrassed.
Falling Flowers
This is one solid proof that you can turn any scar into something really beautiful.
This is one super delicate way of covering up marks. So, if you have ugly spots, you know what to do next.
An Empowering Tattoo
We really want to know the back-story behind this powerful tattoo. After all, it could inspire so many other women out there.
We know for sure that it is inspired by the Fearless Girl bronze sculpture by Kristen Visbal that is located across from the New York Stock Exchange Building in the Financial District of Manhattan, New York City. The statue depicts female empowerment.
Boo! Scared Ya!!!
This spooky and cute tattoo can easily put a smile on anyone's face. It is funny and smart because they made the birthmark look unique with the tattoo.
If you also have a birthmark like this one, this is how you can have fun with it. You can thank us (or this person) later.
Hey, Who Spilled The Wine?
So now we see why they call these birthmarks "port-wine stains." Hmm...
By the way, birthmarks like these tend to get redder as people age. Maybe that’s why this person thought, "Why not go with the flow?" and have a wine glass tattoo. Now that is impressive!
Blossoming Scar
Scars can be a reminder of some experiences that you desperately try to forget. However, you can make the scars look beautiful to help overcome insecurities and bad memories.
To us, a cesarean scar is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of, but this person needed the tattoo to feel confident again, and that's what matters the most.
The Untold Story
You have been through a lot and there is always a story worth telling someone. This person broke their arm and the good thing is that they acknowledged it with a cool tattoo.
In some ways, the screws represent important people that helped you overcome the challenging phase of your life. The tattoo itself is beautifully done.
Night Calls
This tattoo perfectly shows that even your scars could be beautiful. The scars were caused due to self-harm and we can hope that this person found comfort on their road to recovery and self-love.
The tattoo also shows that this person is not a lone wolf and there is always someone willing to be with them as a companion.
May The Force Be With You
This little Darth Vader is not that scary at all. Or maybe he hasn't turned to the Dark Side yet. However, his cute little lightsaber says otherwise.
It is a pretty cool tattoo cover-up, as no one can ever guess a scar was once there.
No Bones About It
There is nothing about this tattoo that looks fishy. The transformation of a scar by a tattoo is simply amazing.
This tattoo shows that scars can become anything you want them to become. All you need is a creative and humorous mind like this one.
Marlin Tattoo
The tattoo artist turned a scar into a Marlin and we cannot stop admiring his or her artistic abilities. Marlin fish are cool to begin with, but this tattoo is even cooler.
The best part about this tattoo is that it doesn't cover up the scar. It simply became an integral part of the tattoo. So even if you can see the scar, it is a job well done.
A Piece of You
Pets have this superpower of touching our lives and leaving their paw prints all over our hearts.
We don't know the story behind these tattoos, but it seems like this person lost a beloved pet and decided to wear their love for their furbaby on their sleeve.
Hey, Beam Me Up
So, this person turned a scar into alien abductions. Brilliant! As is the case with most tattoos, we are pretty sure this one must have some significance in this person’s life.
We really love how this person decided to incorporate the scar instead of covering it. Of course, anyone has every right to cover his or her scar, but this tattoo looks so delightful.
Scar Flowers
This person's tattoo shows that a bigger scar means there is room for more art.
It also means that no matter how bad things are going, it's never to late to turn it around.