This article was originally published on WackoJaco
“Hooman, Help! I’m Stuck!”
There’s this saying that you have to tap on the hood of your car before getting inside and starting it because there might be a cat sleeping inside to keep itself warm.
So one day, you tapped your hood to check for any cats and you hear a cat meowing dramatically by your wheel looking awfully hurt and you start to panic- only to find out they were being dramatic.
“You Think I Am Amused By This, You Peasant?”
We know how much fur cats shed. So to help lessen the fur they let loose all around the house, we brush them, right? And after one brushing session, you find yourself brushing off enough fur to make a mini-meow of your cat.
Add in some doodle eyes and place your cat by it for a photo-op. Meow doesn’t look amused though.
“What In Tarnation Was That?!”
We surely love seeing moments of cats and dogs getting along. And in this picture, we can see how the cat, who was clearly enjoying his naptime on his person's lap, was taken off-guard when he got some love from the family dog!
And what makes the photo funnier are the opposite reactions of the two! With the dog looking awfully pleased with what he did and the cat showing otherwise.
“Hello? Anybody Home? You Forgot Me Out Here!”
We are all aware how cats are so slick when moving around that you wouldn’t really know where they are. So surely, there are times where we don’t notice that they were able to get out of the house and accidentally locked them out! And when night comes and you have already fallen asleep, cats seem to know how to wake you up during the wee hours of the night wherever they may be.
Just like this precious little thing who got locked out and used their home’s video doorbell at nearly 2:30 in the morning!
“Why Is There A Thing Where I Do My Things?”
A lot of animals are not so keen on changes in their environment, especially when they have marked their special territories already, and that includes new furniture. So imagine adding some new furniture on a spot that they obviously love the most and you get this reaction.
They probably can’t help but wonder how they’re gonna do their thing in the place where you put your new home decor.
“Did You Hear That?”
Animals naturally have great hearing abilities and can be quick with their reaction, especially cats.

So when you are just chilling with your cat and you hear something weird, expect your cat to have the same reaction as you.
“Uhm, Help?”
Like we mentioned, cats love rough surfaces. Aside from the ability to scratch on them, they can easily climb up those surfaces.

But this cat looks like he’s never encountered a screen door and he needs help.
“A Flying Thingy!”
Look at how this cat is totally sad about how her owner has a different cat on their mask and not her. How could this person think it would be okay to betray her kitty like that?

Just look at how she’s totally expressing her disappointment and feeling of betrayal!
“Someone Is Stealing My Girlfriend!”
One facial expression that we surely love seeing from cats is their look of a whole new level of utter disbelief - just like what this meow is showing in this photo.

It looks as if some street cat just stole his girlfriend and he couldn’t believe how they could do it in front of his house! Well, don’t worry, little meow. You still have your Persian girlfriend next door.
“Why Is It Some Other Cat?”
Cat’s are not really into what you want at the moment, especially when they spot something either far more interesting or that bothers them. As a result, selfies with your furry friend can be practically impossible.

An example would be his owner wanting to take a selfie with their cat and the cat is more disturbed with the wasp.
“Bigfoot Is On His Way To Get Me!”
Ah, yes. Another face that cats make that we absolutely love because it’s the total opposite of their calm and collected self.
This cat has probably heard of Bigfoot which explains his reaction looking absolutely scared that the big, snowy monster is about to get him. Or maybe he realized he didn’t like the cold after all.
“Why Is There A Giant Meow Carrying Meow?!”
Halloween is a great time to exercise your creative juices to come up with your halloween costume for the year. And this owner showed how much he loves his cat by dressing up as him for halloween.
However, it looks like his cat is not amused by the chosen idea of his human.
“Get This Little Human Off Me, Peasant!”
We know how cats need to be carried the right way to appreciate the act of being carried around. But then again, this little girl didn’t know that and went off to carry the kitten anyway.
And it’s as clear as day how the cat is not comfortable with how he’s being handled. Looks like this little girl needs more practice!
“I’m Pregnant?! Karen, I Can Explain!”
Cats get pregnant all the time in the summer, even if they don't want to. The male cats grab any female cat they see.
And this cat surely didn’t expect for her steamy session with the street cat to result in a mini meow growing inside of her! Do you think she’s ready to be a meowmy?
“I Wasn’t Doing Anything!”
Cats love boxes and we know that you know that! But what we know is they love empty boxes. So in this photo, we are not entirely sure what the cat loves - the box or the cat merchandise inside the box.

But based on his surprised reaction, it looks like he loves the latter.
“What Did I Just Touch?”
Cats love giving their hoomans random massages in some random parts of their body. And they usually do it in softer areas of the human body.
However, we can see how this cat decided to do her massage on the human’s knee cap. And upon starting, she realized it wasn’t as soft as she thought it was.
“I Am Batman”
I think we have just found Batman’s true identity. Unfortunately, he is not how we totally imagined he would be. Because instead of a muscular man with a deep and husky voice, we have a slick, four-legged creature with a high pitched meow.
Maybe this is the reason why Batman has such strong feelings for Catwoman.
“Did You Just Make That Awful Sound?”
Like we have mentioned earlier, cats are not as keen on changes in their environment - and that involves hearing you make sounds they have never heard you make before.
Just look at this little kitty’s reaction when he heard his dad fart for the very first time in his entire life!
“Are You Okay?”
Cats can be totally affectionate! And this little meow is proof of that! She looks as if she’s genuinely concerned about your wellbeing and would check up on you every time.
Is there any way we can reassure her that we are fine? Because we are now genuinely concerned about her wellbeing.
What Are You Looking At?
Mind your own business buddy, we are not interested in taking a picture. Just look at their reaction, it is hilarious.
These are the cutest snobs that we have ever seen, and their stare basically says everything.
“You Don’t Love Me Anymore”
One of the reasons some people don’t like cats is because they believe they aren’t as affectionate as other pets. Well, check out this reaction this cat made after his owner shooed him off their lap and say that he isn’t affectionate enough.
He just wants some love, just look at how he is putting his cute little fury face down on the pillow.
“Shark’s Got Meow!”
It looks like you need to make sure you’re buying the right thing when shopping for your kitties. Just like this shark bed. We can just assume that this cat was testing the pillow out and realized it was a shark.
Totally terrified, she yells for help - but the other looks totally unbothered.
“I Will Get Rid Of You, You Slobbering Mess!”
As much as we love seeing cats and dogs getting along, we have to admit that cats and dogs battling for their human’s affection and attention is also an entertaining sight!
Just like how this human took a photo of their new puppy but also caught the unamused look of their Persian cat on the background. Totally a Cats vs Dogs moment!
“You Pet A Dog! Go Away!”
Cats can be very territorial when it comes to their humans and you might not even know it!
That probably explains their reaction of pure disgust when you pet them once you get home because you surely stopped to pet that cute dog you passed by on your way home.
“The Human Is Drowning!”
Most, if not all cats, hate taking their baths. So when you leave your bathroom door open while you are dipped in your tub to take a relaxing bath, you’d expect your cat to come join you but with utmost concern that you wouldn’t enjoy your bath just like him by meowing incredibly loud.
Well, doesn’t sound relaxing now, ain’t it?
My Name Sucks
This look on that cat's face, when her mom calls her, is priceless! Clearly this cat is busy making dastardly plans to... well, to do whatever it is cats do when we're not watching them, and this lady is interrupting.
It could also be that she really hates that name. Perhaps it is time to change it... sooner rather than later.
“What’s That? And That? Oh No! Are You Okay?”
We seriously have to thank those big wide eyes of cats because it just makes their faces look more expressive than we can take!
This cat looks like the world is a scary place and wasn’t how he expected it to be, and now he has an existential crisis! And so, all we want to do is pick him up and tell him, “Same, Cat, Same.”
This cat looks so stressed out by everything that happens.
I don't think he likes anything that he sees and it looks like he has PSTD.
“But I Don’t Wanna!”
Just like humans, cats need some of their sunbathing sessions too. Just to get their daily dose of Vitamin D and enjoy the warmth the sun gives them.
And of course, they love those daily sessions. This cat clearly does, too! And when he’s told that his session is done and must get back inside, he knows how to protest!
“I Didn’t Know We’d Walk This Far!”
It is good for cats to actually go out on walks from time to time. Some cats would even demand to be taken out on walks. Just like how this cat was shared to have wanted to go out on a walk.
However, during their walk, this cat decided he was totally done with walking and now demands to be carried.
“Hooman! Feed Me! I’m Hungry!”
When cats are domesticated, their bodies create their own body clock wherein they are able to tell the time they are supposed to be fed and the and whatnot.
So in this photo, this cute kitty meows from the top of his lungs to gain his hooman’s attention because it is time for his munchies!
“Don’t You Dare Come Near Me!”
Cat’s are very expressive and we know that through their facial expressions and their body language. And we know that when a cat’s fur and tail are up, that means they really are not in the mood to be messed with.

And we do not know who this cat is scaring but it clearly shows that he means business.
“Wake Up, Peasant!”
When we mentioned about a cat’s body clock earlier, we also meant them taking into account the time their humans usually wake up.
And if you have cats, you can really relate when we say that oversleeping is not allowed in the household, because you can surely hear a cat meowing like it’s the end of their life!
“I’m Squooshed!”
We don’t really know what goes on a cat’s mind when they try to squeeze themselves in very tight fitting places such as the insides of a couch, an empty fish bowl, or even in between a glass door and a wooden door.

And when they’re there they usually don’t know how to get out.
“I Am Enlightened”
Have you seen the movie Birdbox? Well, if you haven’t, all we can say is this cat looks like he has surely seen that movie and is probably seeing whatever those people in the movie saw.

He was awakened by such knowledge and he is now enlightened.
“What A Big Scratching Post!”
Indoor cats are one of the funniest cats to watch when you take them out for a nature walk for the first time.
And since most of what they see at home are non-scratchable items, it is totally understandable if your cat reacts this way upon seeing a tree for the first time!
“Hiya, Neighbor!”
Cats love having something they can scratch on. And they love scratching on rough surfaces such as trees!

Also, it looks like this is the first time these cats have seen a small tree that they went to greet their neighbors and show their appreciation!
“You Can’t Catch Me!”
It is clear now that most animals, if not all, are not fond of going to the vet. And most of the time, they don’t really have a choice but to wait until the session is over.

However, this cat used its ability to climb up the cabinets as his escape route.
“They Won’t Stop Dropping!”
We have established earlier that most cats do not like water that is used for bathing.

So when this cat decided to chill in the tub, he noticed how the water won’t stop dropping and he is not amused.
“I’d Like To Make An Announcement!”
This kitten looks like she’s making an announcement - an important one - and she wants us to listen.

We cannot hear her but it looks like her announcement involves getting more milk, and would like it to be served more than 3 times a day!
“I Am The Cat Who Is Sitting In A Chair!”
If you have seen that episode on Friends where Joey and Chandler were fighting over a chair, this is what we can totally imagine in this photo.

Clearly, the cat was so proud of himself for stealing the dog’s spot on the chair.
“You’re Always Late!”
Remember what we said about cat body clocks? Well, this is another one.

This cat looks like he’s tired of his human oversleeping every single day and would oftentimes feed him late or feed him not enough food.
“Ugh, Disgusting! Shoo!”
Cats are very clean animals - well, when it comes to themselves - and do not want to touch anything that they find disgusting.

And this photo shows exactly how they look when they are presented with a revolting object.
“Stop Taking Pictures And Feed Me!”
Yes, people. The real purpose of this post is to subtly tell you to always feed your cats on time to avoid any angry meows that may come your way.

You don’t want your cats purposely ruining your photo op with your harvest, do you?
That’s it. That’s just what this cat is trying to say. With what’s going on all over the world in the just the first half of the year, even the cat is scared.

There’s nothing else really. *screams in total fear*